Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Favorite Place in Israel

Read before closing song at Camp Coleman "Mishlachat Shabbat" services 06.26.10

You don't have to be from Israel to appreciate the place. It is for this reason that my favorite place in Israel isn't the Western Wall, or the Dead Sea, or Tel Aviv Beach, or even the incredible hospitality I experience staying at the homes of close friends.

No, my favorite place in Israel is the arrivals announcement board in the terminal at Ben-Gurion International Airport.

The land that for 2000 years our people could only hope for now welcomes thousands of visitors daily from all over the world--from familiar-sounding places like New York and Atlanta, and from obscure-sounding places like Zagreb and Addis Ababa.

They come from New York to see the sites.
They come from Atlanta to taste the food.
They come from Zegreb to speak the language.
They come from Addis Ababa to meet the people.

They all come because it belongs to us all--and because no matter where they come from, they know they are coming home.

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