Monday, May 16, 2011

What's an MP3?

Every year, for the days between our birthdays, my brother and I celebrate the Five to Ten--a time to take five-to-ten minutes each day to work on creative projects. Together, we create and tackle a prompt or a project. It allows us to work on something together, even if we're not in the same city.

This year, David and I are both in a time of transition. I'm starting rabbinical school and he's getting married. In order to experience how change is at once gradual and sudden, we assigned ourselves to take an object, and each day during the Five to Ten, make a change to it. The idea is to see how change happens over time.

I actually chose a few objects--a vinyl record, a cassette tape, and a CD. I wanted to see how these objects gradually--over time--transformed into the iPod. To do so, I would need scissors and plenty of glue. Enjoy!

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