Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Hate Yom Kippur

Our parents host an annual Chanukkah party. When we were kids, our dad would write a Chanukkah play every year for the kiddies to perform. The plays always included great song parodies. When the kids grew up, the plays ended, but the song parodies kept coming. Now for their parties, mom and dad invite their friends to write and perform parodies of their own. This year's contest: write a parody that describes your favorite or least-favorite Jewish holiday. Below, the Reiser kids's response.


  1. Daniel:
    Thanks for sending the video. We are very excited about viewing it. However, Mom and I can't access the it. Please call us to tell us how to do so.
    Love Dad

  2. Daniel= I have a you tube account - it's linreis50
    You have to give us an ivitation to view the private video.

  3. Ha ha - Great! We need more Reiser family parodies!
